Vrat Katha

Tales of Brihaspati Vrat Katha are of great importance for the ones who perform Brihaspati Puja regularly. Brihaspati Vrat Katha is a story that unveils the importance of Brihaspati Vrat and Brihaspati Puja in one’s life. So read the below mentioned Brihaspati Vrat Katha that is been translated for your convenience in English.
It is a story of ancient times – There was a king who was very powerful and munificent he uses to observe fast on every Thursday and offer worships. This was something his Queen detested very much neither she observed fasts nor did she give a single paisa in charity. She used to forbid the king also from doing so. Once it so happened that the king went to the forest to hunt wild game, there were only the Queen and her maids in the palace. Meanwhile, Guru Brihaspati donned in the disguise of a saint, came to the palace to collect alms. When the saint asked the Queen to give alms she said. “O Saint! I am fed up of making charities tell me some way by means of which all this wealth comes to an end and I may live comfortably”. Brihaspati God in the disguise of saint said “O Devi you are very strange is there anyone on earth to whom children and wealth become the cause of their plight? If you have a lot of money you may perform auspicious deeds with it and this will keep you happy in this world and in heaven both”. But the saint’s sermons did not make the queen happy she said “I don’t want such wealth which I may have to give to others in charity or I may have to waste all my time taking care of it